stewarding biblical worlview

middle school

4th - 8th grade

Pastor Jordan

Director of Middle School Education

The middle school department is more than just a place of learning; it is a haven where values are instilled, character is forged, and hearts are ignited with a passion for Word of God. At ACS, we aim to cultivate an environment that not only challenges young minds but also fosters a deep connection to faith, compassion, and service.

I believe in the unique potential of each student, recognizing that they are not just the future but the present bearers of hope and promise. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to providing a well-rounded education that not only equips students with academic excellence but also empowers them to be game-changing leaders, critical thinkers, and virtuous individuals both in ministry and the marketplace.


An academically enriching environment rooted in Christ-centered principles

  • Before high school, we want to ensure that we have strengthened our students both academically and spiritually. This means that we will be dedicated to instructing our students in every aspect of their learning experience with a Biblical Worldview.

    Arundel Christian School will make Biblical Literacy a priority in all of our Bible classes, of course; however, we also want our students to know that all of their academic subjects can be viewed through the lens of God’s Word. We believe that teaching our students from a Biblical Worldview will not only enhance their knowledge of our Amazing God but will also strengthen their academic endeavors.

    Upon completing the 8th grade students will finish with a certificate of Biblical Studies as each bible course emphasizes the following theological disciplines:

    • Old Testament Studies

    • New Testament Studies

    • Hermeneutics

    • Biblical Worldview

    • Applications of the Word

  • Using agenda books, online assignment tracking, and time management strategies, our students develop academic responsibility. Responsible learners take ownership of their learning journey and become engaged in and out of the classroom. They actively engage in class, diligently complete assignments, and seek clarification when needed. We foster this culture through 1:1 success coaching and academic work days. The sense of responsibility contributes to a positive educational environment and sets the stage for lifelong learning.

    Engaged learners develop practical time management skills. They cultivate a strong work ethic by organizing tasks, setting priorities, and meeting deadlines. These habits not only enhance academic performance but also prepare students for the demands of future endeavors such as our preparatory college program.

  • In mathematics, we equip students with advanced mathematical skills and strategies for analyzing and solving real-world problems through the application of abstract reasoning within the context of a biblical worldview.


    • To ensure mastery of foundational mathematical concepts including number systems, operations, algebra, functions, geometry, probability, and statistics

    • To support procedural fluency for college and career readiness through consistent, strategic practice and review

    • To develop analytical thinking, reasoning skills, and perseverance in real-world problem solving through the creation and use of models

    • To encourage the use of technology to enhance learning, to incorporate multiple representations of concepts, and to remove computational constraints

    • To equip students to formulate a biblical view of mathematics

  • In English Language-Arts (ELA), we equip students to apply writing and grammar skills to craft effective written and oral communication that engages with and contributes to culture.


    • To ensure mastery of English grammar and mechanics.

    • To model the connection of mentor texts to grammar instruction and writing activities.

    • To give opportunities for students to use the writing process with genre-specific strategies to craft communication for real-world contexts.

    • To lead students in drafting writing that expresses Christ in truthfulness, virtue, and empathy.

    • To develop mastery of study, reference, and research skills, and effectively use print and digital resources.

    • To hone collaboration, listening, speaking, and viewing skills.

    • To expand technology and media literacy through written, oral, and visual communication.

  • In Social Studies, we equip students to engage their culture as discerning citizens and to apply a biblical worldview to history, government, geography, and economics.


    • To improve social studies skills including reading, researching, analyzing primary sources, mapping, and creating timelines

    • To develop an understanding of the interrelationship of various social studies disciplines

    • To guide students in evaluating historical events, government and economic structures, and world cultures by developing biblical approaches to justice, power, freedom, individualism, equality, and other core values

    • To equip students to create biblical solutions to real-world economic, environmental, political, and social problems

  • In Science, we equip students to ethically engage in scientific inquiry, data analysis, and model-making so they will be able to solve real-world problems within the framework of a biblical worldview.


    • To extend scientific knowledge and laboratory skills

    • To guide students in applying scientific knowledge and skills in ethical ways to solve real-world problems, using activities that activities that include collaborative STEM experiences

    • To enable students to create models that describe the natural world and use them to make predictions

    • To equip students with the skills to interpret informational text and apply scientific knowledge in accordance with biblical teaching

    • Gym

    • Art

    • Music

    • Quest Program

    Class electives are crucial in shaping a well-rounded educational experience, allowing students to explore new subjects, cultivate passions, and develop crucial skills beyond the core curriculum. We will adopt an enrichment class called Quest, where students may choose to study a subject of their choice during a study hall period throughout the week. During the student’s Quest period, they may complete any of the following learning modules available

    • Strategies for Academic Success

    • World Language

    • Computer Science

    • Career Exploration (8th Grade Only)

    We can empower students to tailor their education to align with their interests and aspirations by offering various online elective options within this class. Student, however will complete mandatory enrichment courses as they have done so in years past.

    We understand that each student is unique, and our Quest program offerings are designed to accommodate diverse learning preferences. This approach enables students to personalize their learning paths and make meaningful connections between their studies and personal interests.

new bell scheudle

We are transitioning from seven daily periods to four, a change that will elevate our learning experience. With this shift, we're extending each class session from the standard 45 minutes to an optimized 70-minute duration. Additionally, we're introducing dedicated time for advisory sessions, daily bible studies, and student activities, creating a truly enriching school day.


  • Get ready for an exciting transformation coming in the summer of 2024! Our annex space is undergoing a thrilling conversion to create an auxiliary gym area exclusively for our 4th to 12th grade students. This dynamic space will serve as a hub for extracurricular activities and engaging lecture-based electives, providing even more opportunities for our students to thrive and excel

  • Class electives are crucial in shaping a well-rounded educational experience, allowing students to explore new subjects, cultivate passions, and develop crucial skills beyond the core curriculum. We will adopt an enrichment class called Quest, where students may choose to study a subject of their choice during a study hall period throughout the week. During the student’s Quest period, they may complete any of the following learning modules available:

    • Strategies for Academic Success

    • World Language

    • Computer Science

    • College Test Preparation

    • Career and Technical Education (8th-12th)

    We can empower students to tailor their education to align with their interests and aspirations by offering various online elective options within this class. Student, however will complete mandatory enrichment courses as they have done so in years past. We understand that each student is unique, and our Quest program offerings are designed to accommodate diverse learning preferences. This approach enables students to personalize their learning paths and make meaningful connections between their studies and personal interests.

    The Quest class will also provide space for student success coaching when students need academic support in their core studies. Students with learning challenges may be enrolled in supplemental subject-based electives to support their educational skill sets when required.

  • Fall - Serve Day October

    Spring - Mission Trip (8-2th)

  • BOYS:

    Volleyball (Fall)

    Basketball (Winter)

    Wrestling (Winter)


    Volleyball (Fall)

    Cheer (All Year)

    Dance (All Year)


    Soccer (Spring)