college prepatory program
upper sCHool
9th-12th grade
Pastor Jordan
Upper School Director
Our Upper School is more than just a place of learning; it is a haven where values are instilled, character is forged, and hearts are ignited with a passion for Word of God. At ACS, we aim to cultivate an environment that not only challenges young minds but also fosters a deep connection to faith, compassion, and service.
I believe in the unique potential of each student, recognizing that they are not just the future but the present bearers of hope and promise. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to providing a well-rounded education that not only equips students with academic excellence but also empowers them to be game-changing leaders, critical thinkers, and virtuous individuals both in ministry and the marketplace.
Get ready for an exciting transformation coming in the summer of 2024! Our annex space is undergoing a thrilling conversion to create an auxiliary gym area exclusively for our 4th to 12th grade students. This dynamic space will serve as a hub for extracurricular activities and engaging lecture-based electives, providing even more opportunities for our students to thrive and excel
Class electives are crucial in shaping a well-rounded educational experience, allowing students to explore new subjects, cultivate passions, and develop crucial skills beyond the core curriculum. We will adopt an enrichment class called Quest, where students may choose to study a subject of their choice during a study hall period throughout the week. During the student’s Quest period, they may complete any of the following learning modules available:
Strategies for Academic Success
World Language
Computer Science
College Test Preparation
Career and Technical Education (8th-12th)
We can empower students to tailor their education to align with their interests and aspirations by offering various online elective options within this class. Student, however will complete mandatory enrichment courses as they have done so in years past. We understand that each student is unique, and our Quest program offerings are designed to accommodate diverse learning preferences. This approach enables students to personalize their learning paths and make meaningful connections between their studies and personal interests.
The Quest class will also provide space for student success coaching when students need academic support in their core studies. Students with learning challenges may be enrolled in supplemental subject-based electives to support their educational skill sets when required.
Fall - Serve Day October
Spring - Mission Trip (8-2th)
Volleyball (Fall)
Basketball (Winter)
Wrestling (Winter)
Volleyball (Fall)
Cheer (All Year)
Dance (All Year)
Soccer (Spring)
NEW bell scheudle
We are transitioning from seven daily periods to four, a change that will elevate our learning experience. With this shift, we're extending each class session from the standard 45 minutes to an optimized 70-minute duration. Additionally, we're introducing dedicated time for advisory sessions, daily bible studies, and student activities, creating a truly enriching school day.
An academically enriching environment rooted in Christ-centered principles
Before sending our students out into the world, we want to ensure that we have strengthened them both academically and spiritually. This means that we will be dedicated to instructing our students in every aspect of their learning experience with a Biblical Worldview.
Arundel Christian School will make Biblical Literacy a priority in all of our Bible classes, of course; however, we also want our students to know that all of their academic subjects can be viewed through the lens of God’s Word. We believe that teaching our students from a Biblical Worldview will not only enhance their knowledge of our Amazing God but will also strengthen their academic endeavors.
Arundel Christian School looks upon every high school freshman with the intent of preparing that student to make application to the college or university of his or her choice.
This requires ACS to form a graduation projection that is updated every year with the intent of scheduling each student with the academic courses that will enhance those students’ success in achieving those coveted acceptance letters from excellent colleges and universities.
Algebra I, Geometry (Required), Algebra II, Pre Calculus/Trigonometry (College Prep), Pre-Algebra, Fundamental Math, Consumer Math (General Studies)
All graduates must have passed and completed four (4) credits of Math. Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry are college-preparatory courses and will be necessary for application to a four-year college or university.
Students may also earn math credits toward graduation in Pre-Algebra, Fundamental Math, or Consumer Math; however, Algebra I and Geometry are required for graduation.
Biology (Required), Physical Science (General Studies), Chemistry, Physics (College Prep)
All graduates must have passed and completed three (3) credits of Science. One of the three science courses students must have completed and passed is Biology.
The general course flow for ACS students is Biology–>Physical Science–>Chemistry-->Physics. This is strongly recommended for all students planning to apply to a four-year college or university.
US History, US Government, World History (Required), Economics (College Prep Option)
All graduates must have passed and completed three (3) credits of Social Studies. Those courses must be US History, US Government, and World History. Students may take other Social Studies courses either in-house or online as academic electives.
In-Person Courses:
Fine Arts: Speech, Music Theory, Art, Photography
Foreign Language: Spanish I-A, I-B, II, & III
General: Psychology & Philosophy
Career Courses: Consumer Math, Python
Bible: Bible 9, 10, 11, & 12, Heroes of Faith
Physical Education & Health: General PE, Weight Training, Team Sports
Online Courses:
ACS has partnered with Imagine Edgenuity to offer our students a wide array of elective courses, AP courses, SAT Prep Courses, and Career & Technology Education courses.
Click the link below to learn more about all of the electives offered through the Edgenuity programs:
**Edgenuity offers access to AP courses and their tests. Edgenuity data shows that 81% of their students have scored a 3 or higher on their AP Final Tests. Students who score 3 or higher may receive college credit where applicable for those courses.
In 2025, we are planning to take our students to Puerto Rico, where students will see the world through the eyes of a missionary as they serve the local population of San Juan! Students will participate in fun-filled activities for the local communities and teach them the love of Christ through VBS, dramas, songs, and games. Our students will also complete light construction projects. Additionally, students will take a catamaran cruise to Icacos Island & and snorkel in the Caribbean Ocean with their peers!
Additionally, we want to partner with City of Refuge and Pastor Neal Carter in their ministry to Baltimore City and its neighboring communities.